OK..... this is my real 'Battle Field 1942' fansite.... the other one was a mistake..lol.. anyho hope you enjoy my new site.... I know i do... MUAHAHAHAHAHA.... sry... anyho I will try to update this site as much as i can.... or till i get bored with it... lol.. welp... on your marks... get set... BROWSE!
Site Moving
OK once again this site is moving... to a better hosting service... YAY!... AD FREE! ...any ways ill keep this page up till further notice
New News in the Important News
This guy ask me to add sumtin which i did cause... get this... HE ASKED... Ill add anything if its reasonible : )
Friends Clan
The United Assualt Force team is looking for some new members.As of now we have 51.I am looking for experianced clanners who understand teamwork.Every spot is open for now but I would like some naval members and some tank crewmen.To join UAF you must have or plan to get Gamespy Arcade.You must be online a lot and participate in most of the meetings and matches.My email is elyk21@hotmail.com in the email you must add what division you want to join you can only join one. The choices are Infantry,Air,Armored,and Navy if you choose navy please specify what ship,Aircraft carrier,Destroyer,or Submarine.Also in the email please describe your clanning background and experiance and what you expect of UAF.
Kyles S.N. is Corsair
My S.N. is Stingers Revenge
Hope To Meet you!
His E-mail
Anti Aging Skin Care to Show You Care
Published on June 29, 2022
Unfortunately, time is ruthless with everyone, so anti-aging skin care is required if you want to conceal the fact that age has left you with wrinkles and spots. Did you know that the skin is one of the most visible places that prove that you have aged? After the age of 30 or 35, the skin starts to lose its elasticity and becomes wrinkled and flabby. This is due to the fact that collagen, an active substance that regenerates the skin is less present in the skin and cannot do as well as it did at youth. So, the most general tip in anti aging skin care is to use creams and solutions containing collagen.
Aging factors
You are probably wondering about the factors that make your skin look old and wrinkly. Besides the natural tendency of aging, there are several other factors that help the damaging of skin, giving it an unpleasant aspect that no one wishes for. First of all, be careful of the sun! Even if the sun has its importance in people's life, and without it the people wouldn't be the same, the sun has a very damaging effect on the skin. It makes it old. So, stay away from the sun as much as possible. In addition, you can use some anti-aging skin care that contains UVA and UVB protection. As a matter of fact, the UVA and the UVB are the skin damaging components of the sun rays. Next, cold weather conditions also help the appearance of wrinkles and make the skin dry and old. Then, stress is another aging factor. There are several others that will have a bad influence on your skin. However, preventing these as much as possible might be one step in your personal anti aging skin care program.
What anti-aging skin care to use?
Well, the market is crammed with anti-aging skin care products that are widely advertised and you are probably interested in what to use to benefit your skin and make it look younger. As mentioned earlier, collagen is a must for older skin. Antioxidants are also beneficial for the dry and wrinkled skin. So, anti-aging skin care products that contain antioxidants are recommended. Green tea has a proven effect on stopping aging. So, either get products that contain green tea or simply drink 3 to 20 cups of green tea a day and you will ensure your health. You can also get some anti-aging vitamins and supplements.
Anti aging clinics?
This is another alternative to treat your tired skin. This anti-aging skin care method is a pricey one and you need to take a few days off, but these clinics will surely make you look younger, so if you want to get younger and look better, you can invest some time and money in your look.
There are so many benefits of using Badger Creek Studio’s angel lotion. It will help your skin hold moisture and reduce fine lines and wrinkles all the while protecting it from future damage. Angel lotion will also protect your skin against the sun. This means you can finally get rid of those worry lines on your forehead, replacing them with a happy expression instead.
The Importance Of Parfum Choosing
Published on June 21, 2022
A current survey of over two thousand adults aimed at creating some crucial fragrance connected details came up with some intriguing findings. As an example, 50% of females interviewed said they would in no way get a perfume without attempting it 1st. Now that’s not exactly earth shattering news could it be? I mean how several of us would really go out and acquire a cologne or aftershave without realizing what it smells like? Regardless of this, it appears the fragrance business as a whole does not appear to get this obvious point, or if it does, does not seem to believe it is vital.
This particular survey obviously emphasized the significance of ‘try just before you buy’, especially with females beneath the age of 24. The fact is, investigation performed the previous 12 months had demonstrated that as much as eighty 8% of consumers select a fragrance on odor rather than other aspects.
So provided these undeniable facts, why isn’t the fragrance business offering a lot more opportunities for customers to sample items? Surely, if consumers have a lot more possibilities to sample new fragrances, they are far more likely to buy or could it be the market would favor that we impulse invest in, creating our obtain decisions centered purely within the evocative fragrance marketing and advertising that supports each and every item. In essence they’re not promoting a fragrance, but relatively the thought that wearing a certain brand name is heading to make you irresistible to the opposite intercourse, or exude self-assurance like whichever superstar they’ve gotten to promote it.
But as customers, are we genuinely that naive? The study seems to indicate or else possibly it is time the business accepted that truth and produced fragrance sampling a lot more accessible. Of course we could all go down to our nearby high street beauty store or dedicated perfume store to attempt out some of the restricted samples available but that’s not normally useful. Apart from that, to genuinely test a new fragrance you can’t just pop into a shop and cover yourself in 20 various scents after which you expect to make a decision inside the minute. Perfumes evolve as time passes and alter the longer they’ve been within the pores and skin so should ideally be examined one at a time, more than the program of several hrs.
Occasionally, sample vials of new goods are out there either in-store or if you're lucky sufficient to locate them, online but these promotions quickly expire. So what is the reply? Some of the huge identity makers have produced cologne mini sets, with selections of 10ml or 15ml perfumes but these are likely to be challenging to find and aren’t necessarily one of the most price powerful methods to sample new fragrances.
The Naked Applejack N Peel Chameleon Spray has a sweet and spicy aroma that will make you want to eat apples. It's perfect for fall, but not limited in time of year! This scent smells just like warm apple cider on crisp autumn leaves - what better way is there than curling up with your loved ones by the fireplace?
Have Natural Beauty With Ayurvedic Products
Published on May 27, 2022
This doesn’t just take chemicals or perhaps synthetic ingredients to stay beautiful. Natural beauty by means of all-natural products is easy and better for you, body and mind. Ayurveda, a 5,000-year old therapeutic system from India, uses this particular belief. Ayurvedic beauty and health is about the attractiveness of an individual inside and out.
Ayurvedic medicine is regarded as a Hindu system of healing the mind, body, and soul, and it is a kind of alternative treatment. It’s also one of the most earliest kinds of medicine. The goal of Ayurvedic healing is to use natural and also alternative treatments to balance the mind, body and soul so your whole being is cured. In the world in which chemical substances and synthetic ingredients are found in every thing, more health and beauty specialists are embracing Ayurveda as well as natural products to help their clients draw out their natural beauty without resorting to all those damaging chemical substances.
Natural beauty isn’t just about what other individuals see, it’s precisely how you’re feeling inside, the balance of your spirit and mind along with your body. It’s also about using ingredients as well as products with their most natural form. Better Botanicals embraces this concept as well. Natural hair and skin products employ botanical ingredients within their natural form and prevent Parabens and synthetic colors and fragrances. They even offer you products with regard to body therapy for instance body oils and lotions.
These kinds of products are thoroughly built to address the particular needs of your body, whether it’s oily skin, or perhaps dry and damaged hair. Every one makes use of the natural ingredients mother earth presents to restore your hair and skin to its natural beauty.
There’s a wide selection of botanicals that are found in natural body products, a lot more familiar than the others. A few common ingredients include algae, rosemary, lemongrass, beeswax, cucumber, and shea butter. These types of ingredients are chosen for their several, benefits; beeswax being an emollient, algae being a moisturizer and skin protection. Botanicals such as these work jointly in combination to correct and restore damage to your hair and skin. For instance, Neem Care Shampoo by Better Botanical employs shikakai, neem, rosemary, and also fenugreek to correct dry and damaged hair.
Corporations like Better Botanicals can make it easier to figure out which ingredients and products will be the best for their hair and skin, determined by your type of skin and worries. Use the internet today and see how botanical products might help bring out the natural beauty within you.
Want to know more personal care tips? You can visit the Badger Creek Studio.
How Hair Extensions Can Turn You Glamorous
Published on May 20, 2022
They assert the hair is the crowning glory of each woman. One could basically change how she look and look more stunning with some new hair styles. It is definite that women take plenty of effort and thinking on what their hairdo should be because it is one of the crucial points to consider for them to look attractive and attractive.
There are plenty of haircuts especially in this generation where technologies with some help from hairstylists has evolved and gave with the advancement of fashion and grooming. With that, women’s hair could go form black to blond, from direct to kinked or wavy and other stuffs. But there is one style that’s interesting and is very handy to some women. It is the hair extension technology.
Hair extensions could transform your hair from a pretty straightforward and dreary into a dazzling and awe-amazing one. Naturally, as what have said earlier, ladies changes their haircuts every now and then and this includes cutting their hair from long hair into a short hair. There’s nothing wrong with a short hair, in reality it is horny, It is just that having a short hair is sometimes boring when attending to a memorable occasions. So that is the reason why the technology of hair extensions has brought to existence. Even having a short hair you might instantly turn it into a long glamorous one by not growing it fast naturally but with the use of these extensions. Not only that, extensions don’t only transform short hairs but make long hairs be more lively and beautiful. Basing from the name itself helps you get the point. In ritual it is named artificial hair integration nevertheless it is feted for the name hair extensions. It is to add a synthetic hair made by some industries into your natural hair.
A number of these extensions can be done by you to your own hair like the clip-in hair extensions but most of the stunning and superb hair extensions are tough to attached that is why the necessity for an expert Hairdressers is extremely important. The technique for this integration is kind of complicated so better yet leave the abilities to the gurus to avoid hair damages.
Hair extensions beauty depends also from its quality. And the power to make your hair be glamorous using extensions depends upon the hairdressers in the salon. Hair extensions Nottingham is one of this people that started the strategy of hair extensions. They’re now famous and definitely well recommended famous folks and many also travel from faraway places solely to visit this famous salon. The fantastic thing about this salon is that they offer free consultation solely to ensure satisfaction to their valued customer.
Hair extensions Nottingham proudly have a team of fantastic staff that are very much trained in the most recent systems available worldwide currently.
Indeed, extensions could transform not only hair but the entire character from straightforward into glamorous and beautiful one. Technologies truly made a lift to the sector of beauty and glam.
Looking for additional tips on how to take care of yourself. Click here for more.
Facial rejuvenation treatments
Published on May 19, 2022
As we age, or simply inevitable over the years, several changes may occur on our skin and underlying tissues that we all like to avoid or delay as much as possible and, when they appear, at least correct or mitigate, if possible, without major interventions or changes in our appearance.
Therefore, the Dermatology come not only patients with more or less serious may become psoriasis or lupus, but also patients with medical and aesthetic problems, such as different types of dyschromias or discoloration of the skin: pigmented stains or dark (solar or senile lentigines, seborrheic keratosis, or warts, etc.), lighter or whitish spots (like confetti hypopigmentation, often in extremities), trauma, reddish or bluish vascular (spider veins, variculas and telangiectasia, ruby points, cuperosis and more advanced forms of rosacea, etc).
Facial rejuvenation treatments
In some people more than others, according to both our genetic and environmental factors, there are different brands of aging, which are visible in certain anatomical areas like the face, neck, and chest or back of hands. So it is with wrinkles and furrows of the face, to give them funny names and growing everyday use. No longer just talking about the crow’s feet, but more people knows what the barcode or marionette lines. And more and more patients are aware that these lines and wrinkles treated with botulinum toxin, popularly known as Botox ®, or hyaluronic acid fillers, collagen or other biocompatible materials. Thus, another reason for consultation, both women and, increasingly, men, is the treatment of the signs of sagging and flaccid in the face and neck, loss of volume in cheeks, the thinning of the lips, etc.
The marking of the passage of time on our bodies and our skin may not matter or affect us at all, but many people are completely normal impact on their way to see and even in his state of mind and his way of relating to others. Hence the importance of a serious and rigorous approach to these problems, seeking the most appropriate treatment, always personalized, and above all, with caution and common sense.
Signs of aging can be combated and prevented, at least in part, by measures such as healthy lifestyle (sun protection Mediterranean diet with high consumption of fruit and vegetables, night rest with adequate hours of sleep, avoid stress to the extent as possible, not smoking, avoiding drinks with high alcoholic content, etc). Then there is a broad range of treatment used to correct or mitigate some signs that reveal the inexorable passage of the years, ranging from the humble to the last peeling ablative or nonablative laser from simple moisturizer with tensor effect until Botox ® injections, from the cream with skin lightening effect to the most advanced laser ultrapulsed specific spots, or the common lipstick to profiling or filling the lips with injections of hyaluronic.
Everyone knows that your body changes when you get older, but almost everyone wants to look young and healthy as possible. To do this, better safe than sorry and, apart from the healthy lifestyle, if you have a problem or want to correct a small defect, it is best to treat in early stages, when you can achieve a more striking and satisfactory.
For more tips on personal care, please visit Badger Creek Studio.
Organic Cotton VS Non-Organic Cotton
Consumers need to be educated regarding the use of organic cotton and non-organic cotton. Unfortunately, most clothing manufacturers are using the conventional non-organic cotton to produce clothing. Yes, there is a difference between organic cotton and non-organic cotton, and these differences make a huge impact on both the health of consumers and the environment. Let’s take a look at the facts of organic cotton VS non-organic cotton.
The Biggest Difference Between Organic and Non-Organic Cotton
The most obvious difference between organic cotton VS non-organic cotton is the amount of pesticides and herbicides used. Non-organic cotton uses an alarming rate of pesticides and herbicides which are considered by experts as “deadly”. The use of these harmful chemicals will absorb into the cotton, even until it is processed to be made for the use of making clothes. For those with sensitive skin, it could cause irritation as well as allergic reactions.
Not only that it is damaging to human health, it also damages the environment as well. These chemicals would seep into the grounds and absorb into the soil which would affect nearby crop plantations, get into household water supplies, or be drained into the river where the aquatic animals and plants will die.
Health Benefits of Organic Cotton
Organic cotton in the other hand is free of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and all sorts of other chemicals and pollutants. This is very beneficial to the environment, the laborers as well as the consumers. Those who really wants to play a part to preserve the environment as well as concerned over consumer’s and everyone else’s health should opt for organic cotton.
Health wise, non-organic cotton is much more damaging. Besides the aforementioned skin irritation and allergic reaction that the chemical used in non-organic cotton cause, they also contained dyes, toxins and carcinogens which is very harmful to the health. Organic cotton is hypoallergenic and is completely safe and easier on everyone.
The Quality of Organic Cotton
Quality wise, organic cotton win hands down. This is due to the fact that organic cotton is made at its purest and finest form, while non-organic cotton are heavily processed with stages and stages of procedures like stripping, waxing, bleaching, dying and softening which in the end causes the cotton to lose its quality and purity.
Although organic cotton costs much more than non-organic cotton due to the fact that it is not cultivated in as large quantities as non-organic cotton. Also extra effort is needed to preserve its quality without the harmful processes. However, it is worth the price as it not only protects the health of consumers, but plays a part in preserving the environment.
Are you looking for a sustainable online clothing store? Check us out now!
The Importance of Oil in Massage
When you think of massage, you might not automatically think of oil. However, oil plays an important role in massage, both for the person receiving the massage and the person giving the massage. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the reasons why oil is important in massage and how it can benefit both the person giving and receiving the massage.
One of the reasons oil is important in massage is because it helps to reduce friction. When you use oil during a massage, it helps to reduce the amount of friction between your hands and the person's skin. This makes it easier for you to move your hands over the person's skin, which can help to provide a deeper and more relaxing massage.
Another reason oil is important in massage is because it can help to hydrate the skin. Massage can often be drying to the skin, especially if you are using deep pressure during the massage. By using oil, you can help to keep the person's skin hydrated and healthy-looking.
Finally, using oil during a massage can also help to create a more relaxing atmosphere. When you use oil during a massage, it can help to create an aroma that can be relaxing for both the person giving and receiving the massage. This can help to set the mood for a more relaxing and enjoyable experience overall.
As you can see, there are many reasons why oil is important in massage. If you're thinking about getting a massage or giving one, be sure to ask if oil will be used. If not, you may want to consider using your own so that you can enjoy all of the benefits that come with it!
Oil is not only important for helping your hands glide over the skin, but it also has numerous benefits for the skin itself. If you are looking for high quality oils to use in your massages, be sure to check out Badger Creek. We offer a variety of different oils that are perfect for any type of massage. Thanks for reading!